Celebrating 60 years in 2022
Hershey Girl Scout Neighborhood Association
Prior to 1960, The Hershey Girl Scout Neighborhood Association existed as a neighborhood group directing local girl scout programming under the Lower Dauphin District of the Susquehanna Council of Girl Scouts. It was also a sponsoring group of local troops, holding funds for local camping.
Hershey Camping Association
Planning meeting to establish the Hershey Camping Association. Its purpose was to sponsor the Hershey Girl Scout troops, and to solicit and hold funds which could be used to maintain a campsite for use of all scouts in the area.
First Meeting
The newly formed Hershey Camping Association met for the first time.
Initials Officers
Nominated as officers were:
Mrs. Earl Brown, President
Mrs. Clyde Spitler, Vice President
Mrs. Aldo Modesto, Secretary
Mrs. Kline Kuntz, Treasurer
Name Change
As discussions are ongoing with the Hershey Trust for land to use as a campsite, the Hershey Estates decides the newly forming charter should be called, the Derry Township Camping Association
Derry Township Camping Association, Inc
Application for Certificate of Incorporation for Derry Township Camping Association is made.
Lease Signed
The Derry Township Camping Association, Inc and the Hershey Trust sign a lease for 4.378 acres along the Swatara Creek to be used as a campsite for organized girls’ groups.
Cabin to be built
The Building Committee decide that a cabin, well, and latrines are first priority to be built with funds raised.
Ground Breaking
A Ground Breaking Ceremony is held at 1:30pm for the Camp Site
Camp Dedication
Dedication Ceremony for the Catherine S Hershey Girls’ Camp
Cabin Dedicated
At a cost of about $10,000, excluding donated labor and materials, the 28’6″ x 80’6″ Cabin is dedicated after its completion over the summer of 1963.
Adirondack to be built
Announced that the Hershey Lions Club offered to furnish labor and materials to construct an Adirondack shelter. The Hershey Lions Club spent $400 and 200 labor hours during July and August (1964) to construct the Adirondack.
Adirondack Dedicated
Hershey Lions Club hold Dedication Ceremony at 1:15pm for the Adirondack they built. Club President, Richard Ax headed the project.
Pay Telephone
Officers approve permission to be granted to the Hershey Phone Company if they would want to install a pay telephone at Camp.
Additional Adirondack
A second Adirondack Shelter is finishing construction. Total cost is $576.26. Labor and time provided by Nicholas Leitner, Hershey Senior High School Explorer Troop(Advisor, Paul Kuhn), and members of the Board of Directors.
Cabin Rental Rate
Any organized girls groups in Derry Township may rent the Cabin and its facilities for $1 per night.
Charter Change
A motion was made and past to change the Charter to include Women’s groups as well as Girls’.
Power to Cabin
Electric Service that was brought to the Camp passed Inspection. The Hershey Lions Club completed the installation of lighting and receptacles in the cabin.
Price Increase
Overnight Cabin Camping Rates go from $2 to $3 per night. Daytime rate goes from $1 to $2. Adirondack Shelter goes from $1 to $2 per night per group.
Amphitheater Plan
Plans for an amphitheater were approved. Hershey Nursery would move trees and add plantings to create a backdrop behind seating area. In Memory of departed President, Mrs. Lester Abel
Easter Egg Hunt
Kappa Sigma Sorority hosts an Easter Egg Hunt for young children(boys and girls) at Camp Catherine
Outside Groups Allowed
The Board of Directors and Hershey Estates approved the use of camp by outside girls groups as long as they were sponsored by a Derry Township Group. A charge of $10 for the weekend was set.